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Going beyond the pink ribbon: A guide to breast cancer CT

Going beyond the pink ribbon: A guide to breast cancer

Breast cancer that is considered to be one of the most widespread types of cancer has affected millions of individuals. chief among them is breast cancer, a disease that has attracted numerous funding, awareness campaigns and indeed most notably the pink ribbon. Yet there are many aspects to learn about breast cancer and although there are campaigns going on and people supporting them, many details are unknown. The following article will therefore seek to explain more about the disease, the various problems that persist when it comes to diagnosing and treating for the ailment, and what needs to be done to accomplish the next step in the fight against breast cancer.

Understanding Breast Cancer: The Basics

Breast cancer is an evil disease that originates from the cells of the breast. It is one of the most general types of cancer that develops when the genes that regulate cell division are also affected to cause abnormal growth of cells. These cells can form a tumor in the breast and if not treated may extend to other parts of the body.

Risk Factors: Genetics and Lifestyle

Some of the determinants for breast cancer risk are known to be innate and therefore include age, familial history, and gender while others may involve lifestyles that may be changed. Factors that increase the risk of developing breast cancer include:

1. Genetics: Personal history is also a risk factor; history of biopsy proven breast cancer in first-degree relative boosts the risk. Also, some gene changes can significantly raise the risk; for instance, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

2. Hormonal factors: Some medications like hormone replacement therapy makes a woman to breast cancer prone, if she had her first period at the age of below 12 or if she had her menopausal period at the age of above 55.

3. Lifestyle factors: Other risk factors for breast cancer include; obesity, alcoholism, tobacco use, and inactivity.

Diagnosis: Beyond the Mammogram

Even for mammography and other diagnostic tests, for that matter, it’s not a hundred percent effective in identifying breast cancer. Rarely, breast cancer can be overlooked or incorrectly diagnosed, leaving breast cancer undetected and untreated and sometimes it has advanced to cancer spreading. Also, there is a fear that with more mammograms, breast cancer patients are exposed to radiation that may have long term effects on them.

Furthermore, it is worth considering the fact that some tumors of the breast, for instance inflammatory breast cancer, cannot be easily diagnosed by mammal and other usual methods. The studies of same type are available with more precise images like MRI, but these technologies are not always accessible.

Treatment Options: A Personalized Approach

Breast cancer like most cancers is treated through various modalities they include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy. Choosing the right course of action depends on the type and state of cancer onset and the general condition of the patient.

It is actually hard to differentiate which treatment planning is best suited with the patient’s case when it comes to breast cancer treatments. They added innovation in genomic testing reveals some mutation within breast tumors that could determine treatment courses. Targeted therapy or an individualized approach to combating breast cancer is gradually gaining popularity in treatment.

Moving Forward: A Multi-Faceted Approach

Even though many efforts have been invested to understand breast cancer as well as to find ways to cure it, there is still a long way to go. Some areas of focus for the future include:

1. Early detection: Creating new and better forms of early assessment, which would be more efficient, affordable and non-harmful than a present diagnostic equipment.

2. Prevention: Risk factors management, by improving knowledge of the contributors to breast cancer such as the environmental, hormonal, and genetic factors is fundamental in totally avert the disease.

3. Personalized medicine: Significantly launching and employing advanced forms of genomic testing and other diagnostic forms through which treatments may better fit the patient.

4. Support systems: Improving the quality  of  existing and accessible information and services for the patient and their family members, both while the patient is receiving therapy and after.

5. Global initiatives: That breast cancer research and treatment should be brought to the needy patients irrespective of their location or financial stood or any other factor.

In conclusion, though there have been considerable advances in knowledge concerning breast cancer, it is important to ensure that knowledge and explorations for new methodology for early detection, and the treatment and prevention of breast cancer happen. It is possible to imagine breast cancer as a thing of the past through improved research and treatment strategies comprising of a plurality of approaches.

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