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From where to rise up and become stronger: the essence of self-assertion and emergence of inner strength

Living in the contemporary world with its rapid pace and being a constant-objective witness of its dynamic change… In one’s career one is bound to experience losses no matter the discipline, in interpersonal relationships one experience moments where one is disliked, or when facing illnesses, one’s body f

From where to rise up and become stronger: the essence of self-assertion and emergence of inner strength

ails. But what separates successful people from others is effort, courage, and readiness to turn pain into strength, and failure into experience. In this article on ‘Empowering Your Inner Voice; we will learn how to tap into this power within you to be stronger and bounce back stronger.

1. Embrace a growth mindset:

In order to step into your power and cultivate more resilience, more hardness, incrementalism is a required stance. For this reason, idea of abilities, skill or talent should not be considered as innate, rather it should be thought of that these qualities can be developed with the help of vigorous effort, potent iron willed and perseveration. Thus, people should shift from fixing their deficits and learning their imperfections, but, coisely, have openness, curiosity, and willingness(ESKY, 2008). Find out how to convert challenges into opportunities and how to fail as experiences.

2. Develop self-awareness:

Self-awareness is one key to developing resilience and mobilising your strength within you. This consists of how one becomes able to analyze on activity or actions related to thoughts, feeling, or behavior. A stress management plan is enriched by knowledge of yours and your enemies, fears, and triggers to help you reduce stress and overcome obstacles.

3. Cultivate a support network:

Resilience is not developed alone. Friends, family, or any role model is really helpful because they will never let you give up and they will help you no matter what. Tell your feeling to those close to you and be close to them in turn, as they will be your source of comfort and advice. Please note that support is available to you throughout the different struggling experiences of your life.

4. Practice self-care:

It is thus important to focus on being healthy – physically, emotionally, and mentally – to strengthen you and help you to draw out your strength. Also don't forget to schedule in relaxation and physical activities which will flush out stress and burnout: exercise, meditation, callisthenics. Learn how to set proper personal boundaries, reduce your stress levels, and build a positive attitude to take better care of yourself inside.

5. Set achievable goals:

Consequently, making life more meaningful by giving certain direction can be achieved by the capability of setting realistic goals. Taking the broad goals and goals and goals into tiny parts ensures that progress is made and one feels productive. Therefore, if the problem does arise or even fails to occur, we have to think about goals, approaches and abide to the goal.

6. Learn from failure:

Everybody knows that there is no successful venture without a failed one or two. Falling is also good thing, but to think of failures as bad things that should be avoided because in actual fact, they might actually be useful because they enable you to learn something new. In order to do this, we need to analyse where something went wrong and what we need to do in the future. I believe that each failure must be treated as the ability to develop an individual resilience and psychological muscle.

7. Practice gratitude:

It is true that developing the disposition to say thank you can go a long way in strengthening the spirit, and release more power within you. being able to recognize and appreciate the good things in life means that you would be willingly ready to turn a new page and embrace the chances and changes which come your way would be easier to handle.


The process of releasing one’s potential, becoming strong and cultivating unstoppable confidence is a life-long journey that one has to step into with determination and hard work and consistency, moreover self-introspection. Obviously, adopting a growth mindset, being aware of oneself, building a support system, taking care of oneself, adjusting goals to reality, and appreciating failure and success as equal opportunities to learn open the way to success in adversity. You can't bypass getting to the top, but if you have the right mentality, can be persistent and have inner strength, you could conquer the world.

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