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How to Make the Most of Positive Attitude: Changing the World within You

How to HowMake the Most of Positive Attitude: Changing the World within You

Living more stress-filled lives, worrying about aging or sick parents, spouse, friends and family members, work and home expectations can all possibly contribute to one’s development of a happier disposition is more important now than ever. It has the ability of shaping our total health and well-being in a very positive way if well harnessed. In this article there has been an emphasis on the positive thinking as it is said to have wide-ranging advantages and an effort has has been made to propose ways of achieving positive thinking which is good for the health of a person.

The Explanation of Positive Thinking

Optimism is a kind of effort to concentrate about favorable features of life than the unfavorable ones. It is about being strategic: about perspective, about seeing the positive about the negative, about seeing the opportunity in the obstacle and about directing attention on the action taken, as opposed to the issue.

The Science of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can be explained by the findings of neuroscience, psychology, and medicine. There is increasing evidence that having an optimistic outlook will benefit us in many ways for our psychological as well as our physical health. If we use positive thinking then we know that the brain triggers happy hormones which are chemicals that make feel happy and satisfied. Its chemicals remove stress, pain and boosts our immune system which in turn affects overall health and wellbeing.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

1. Reduced Stress:

Positive thinking reduces cortisol, a stress hormone which can be so damaging to our systems. This means that stress can be reduced by lower stress probability that will follow stress, for example, heart disease and depression.

2. Enhanced Immunity:

Optimism creates message that in turn manufacture antibodies in the body that protect it against diseases. Professionals also add that by strengthening our immune system we are less likely to get colds, the flu and other infections.

3. Improved Mental Health

A good attitude can prevent illnesses such as depression or anxiety in the population since it matters what one thinks about. With it, we can go through tasks with perseverance, work on personal emotional strength and have a better outlook on life.

4. Better Sleep: 

Optimism enables the subject to relax and consequently get relieved from stress and this cause better sleeping habits. It is always important to have sound sleep in order to be healthy both the body and the brain.

5. Longevity

Research has also found that optimistic individuals have lower mortality rates comparable to those of non-smokers; lower incidence of hypertension and better physical health compared to pessimistic counterparts during their late fifties and sixties.

It’s important to build positive thinking into our daily lives, here are some of the ways that can be achieved:

1. Start your day with gratitude:

 Before you leave the bed at morning, take some time to ponder what appreciable things exist in your life. Most people lie to the extent that remembering all the good things that are in their life can assist them to change their focus.

2. Reframe negative thoughts:

If you ever experience yourself in negative thinking, always replace the thoughts by changing a new and positive mindset.

3. Surround yourself with positivity:

Associating with delicious food, good books, inspiring movies, and great thoughts motivates us greatly. The environment always affects your perceived disposition and perspective on life.

4. Practice self-care: 

When you can do some things extra to help you destress such as reading a novel, taking a bath or a nature walk, take the time to do so. Above all surprising in this process is the dedication of those efforts towards self care, an act which you have created from this idea of a healthy mentality of self.

5. Embrace the power of affirmations:

Positive affirmations are repeated everyday so that the brain remains in a positive and healthy track. Pick positive affirmations which could be helpful for you and on the road to your goals and in the reinforcement of your strengths.


The Power of Positive Thinking is an effective device that may greatly improve our health and quality of life. In other words, positive thinking lowers stress, strengthens the immune system, enhances one’s state of mental health, and even increases the amount of hours one can sleep and need to live. This applied approach takes focus on effective strategies that can be implemented into any day to day practice, to become better in whatever existing life he/she had. Thus, we can choose to choose to have a positive frame of mind and the determinate of the quality of our lives.

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