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The precise nobility of diet on mental well-being: nourishing your brain and body

The precise nobility of diet on mental well-being: nourishing your

This can be so because; mental health has remained a hot subject of discussion for quite some time now since it determines the well being of an individual. However, one of the most critical means through which mental health is determined include genetics, lifestyle, environment, and diet. This article will discuss the connection between nutrition and mental health and how consuming the right foods both positively affects the mind and body.

This post is going to discuss a simple yet critical topic; how does the diet interact with the mental health?

It is also important to realize that the diet a person takes affects the brain in a great way since the brain needs food in order to work to the optimum level. We now know that things like omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are important to the brain being healthy. Consumption of balanced diet also reduces the occurrences of mental health disorders and improves cognitive functions compared to high prevalence of poor mental health disorders and increased prevalence of disorders with over consuming unhealthy foods.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids: 

Essential fats are important for human brain growth, production and proper functioning. There is much evidence to suggest that those people who aged high level of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood have low rates of depression and anxiety. Sources of omega-3 are fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, also we can get omega-3 from walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseed and hemp seeds.

2. B Vitamins: 

A number of the B group – virtually all of the B6, B9 (folate), and B12 – are essential parts of the nervous system and in the manufacture of neurotransmitters. They’ve demonstrated that it can help alleviate some of the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Good sources of B vitamins are whole grain products, pulses, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, and animal foods like meat, fish and dairy products.

3. Antioxidants:

 Antioxidants prevent oxidative stress in the brain, and which is linked with depression and lowered brain functioning. Getting foods that have high antioxidant properties include fruits, vegetable, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate.

4. Minerals

Elements like magnesium, zinc and iron are critical to the proper functioning of a human brain. Neurotransmitter synthesis uses the Group B elements magnesium, zinc and iron. Such foods include vegetables, especially green leafy ones, nuts and seeds, whole grain products and lean meats.

It is vital to mention that there is not only a correlation between these nutrients or meals and mental health, but many other nutrients and meals as well. It has been shown that the wrong food choice which includes processed food with high sugar content and unhealthy fats, the refined carbohydrate products leads to the development of mental illnesses and inflammation and cognitive impairment. In the same context, it’s worth noting here that a perfect balance diet that includes whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and good fats helps maintain mental health and cognition capabilities.

So as to care for your thoughts and your physical self then how can diet help?

1. Eat a balanced diet: 

And include balanced food groups from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and beans (or other legumes).

2. Limit processed and sugary foods:

 Avoid with processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar products as they are known to affect mental health.

3. Stay hydrated: 

Take water drinks all day to avoid shortcoming on the amount of water your brain and body require.

4. Incorporate physical activity

This result of physical exercise is well documented and encompasses enhancement of mood, decrease in stress and general better feeling about life.

5. Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption

Brain activity decreases and mental problems increase due to a high consumption of alcohol and caffeine.


The brain also requires nutrients to function properly and eating healthy food in a balanced diet can also improve a person’s mental health. It is imperative to know that by being able to feed your brain the required foods, exercise well, and living a healthy lifestyle, then you would be able to avoid or treat cases of mental health disorders.

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