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The Science of Happiness: Finding Joy in Everyday Life

The Science of Happiness: Finding Joy in Everyday Life

La joie a émoussé depuis toujours, une valeur attractive pour les personnes et groupes établis. It has always been man’s quest in the past and present, in the prehistoric ages and even in the new millennia, it has always been man’s goal, man’s dream as it were: happiness. However, in the current century, technology in both psychology and neuroscience has provided a better understanding of the upshot to happiness and the means to promote it. In what follows in this article we will seek to understand what happiness really is, how it can be engaged and how one can increase his/her level of happiness.

What is Happiness?

Happiness is a fuzzy, hard to define term, but it mostly involves how happy you are and the amount of positive affect (feel good) you have around you. By positive happiness it means feelings of happiness, satisfaction, love, gratitude and positive thoughts, and on negative happiness it means lack of feelings of anxiety, sadness and anger. Happiness as we all know is not easily measured but there are definite variables which lead to the general human wellbeing and happiness.

The Science of Happiness:

Happiness levels happen to be influenced materially by the following factors; various experiments conducted recently in psychology, neuroscience, and social sciences have provided the following findings. Some of the most significant findings include:

1. Genes and Environment:

 Scientific research has found our genetics in hoping, some people are born more optimistic and thick-skinned than others. But then, the research also depicts that the general environment and our daily life experiences determine our degree of happiness.

2. Relationships: 

Need for belonging: relationship and people matters; friends, families and loved ones are important determinants of happiness. The strong relationships can enable companionship, generate sense of belonging to the group, as well as have access to the recreational activities which will boost on the good well being and satisfaction in life.

3. Mindset and Attitude: 

The cognitive factors encompasses our views about ourselves, the world and what we can do impacts our happiness directly. Actually changing the thinking pattern to a positive one, expressing thankfulness or adjusting to affirmative thinking all increases happiness.

4. Purpose and Meaning

Therefore, writing one’s passion, being helpful and uplifting the society brings happiness and something to it

Finding Joy in Everyday Life:

To sum it up Now we know that there is science about happiness So how can we increase joy? Here are some practical suggestions:

1. Nurture relationships:

 Spend quality time with your families and friends, and learn how to interact with our fellow human beings. Interact with others and care enough to share things and to occasionally tell them thank you.

2. Practice mindfulness

: Spend several minutes of the day to be mindful of as many positives in your life as possible. FOCUS helps you intentionally to pay attention to, value, or wonder what is possible for positive affect and in turn makes happiness more possible.

3. Set goals and find purpose

Figure out what’s worthwhile and go after stuff. A study showed that doing things that provide you with a feeling of meaning and significance greatly increases your happiness.

4. Develop positive habits:

 Make them be into habits of living, so they will be able to take the proper diet, exercise often but also sleep well as they should. These habits can overall enhance bodily and mental health leading to overall happiness.

5. Cultivate optimism

Focus on something positive and think about the things they hold positive attributes for and worth of being grateful for. It can improve your chances of coming through situations unscathed and with more satisfaction.


The study of the happiness has given the society good information as to what can influence happiness among the people. When knowing these factors along with practical methods on how to transform them to make positive changes then it is possible to live a life full of happiness. I’d like to point out that happiness is not an endpoint, or a goal to be achieved, but rather a process – a lifelong process. It needs the investment of time, energy and mental attitude, involving what might be termed positive affect regulation and positive interpersonal functioning. Therefore, to start being happy take the first step today towards a better and happier life.

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